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Sowing: in seedbeds.
Distances: cm 25-30 in rows and cm 40-50 between rows.
Harvesting: after around 45-50 days.

The large and prostrate head has wavy, broad, elongated leaves, yellowish in color, with white rib. The head internal color, after binding, is golden yellow. Bind a ribbon round the head 12-15 days before harvest for blanching.

Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
10 grams small package
- +
50 gr. package
- +
100 gr. package
- +
250 gr. package
- +
500 gr package
- +
1 Kg package
- +

Semina: in semenzaio o a dimora da marzo a settembre. Trapianto e distanze: a circa 30 giorni dalla semina, 30-40 cm. tra le file e sulle file. Consigli: per l’imbiancatura legare i cespi ben asciutti 10- 15 giorni prima della raccolta e innaffiare solo al piede; alcune varietà imbianchiscono bene anche senza legatura. Seme occorrente: in semenzaio circa 2 gr. a mq., a dimora 30 gr. per 100 mq.