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A fantastic mix of colors for this special Nantese hybrid; medium maturation cycle and good tolerance to over-maturation. Leaves erected and vigorous and healthy. An explosion of different colors (white, yellow, orange) for an amazing harvest. Great flavor and crunchiness. Length of the root: 18-20 cm.

Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
3 gr. small package
- +
10 gr. package
- +
50 gr. package
- +
100 gr. package
- +
250 gr. package
- +
500 gr. package
- +
1 Kg package
- +

Family Apiacee / Umbellifere
Sow: from late winter to mid-summer, scalarly for a continuous harvest; the last sowing carrots can be stored for the winter. Under the tunnel it is possible to sow from October to February.
Distances: Between the 30 cms, cut to 5-10 cm on the row.
Tips: cultivate in loose soil. Wipe lightly and cover with non-woven fabric to avoid root grease and carrot fly infestation.
Required Seed: 20-30 g per 100 square meters of soil.