1328 - WILD ARUGULA (Diplotaxis tenuifolia)

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Compared to salad arugula it differs for the slender, fringed crisp leaves and for the more pungent and spicy flavor.
Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
Confezione da 1 cartoccio ( 4 gr. circa)
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50 gr. package
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100 gr. package
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250 gr. package
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500 gr package
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1 Kg package
- +
Sowing: scale planting, from February to October. Distances: 20-30 cm between rows, thinning on the row to 10.5 cm. Tips: severing the leaves 1 cm above the collar and bathing well you can have 4-6 cuts. Suitable for all kinds of well-drained soil. Seed required: 50 g per 100 square meters of land.