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A fantastic variety that we make available to our customers. Small fruits (gr. 25-30) of oval shape with lace, golden yellow color, savory but also sweet taste. Indeterminate plant with medium-early cycle. Traditional origin from Vesuvius.

Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
1 small packet (40 seeds ca.)
- +
100 seeds
- +
500 seeds
- +
1000 seeds
- +
2500 seeds
- +

Solanaceae family
Sowing: in the open field or in seedbeds. The availability of very early varieties suitable for indoor cultivation allows sowing for a long period of the year. In general, it is sown in seedbeds in late winter-early spring.
Transplant: As soon as the seedling is manageable, it is transplanted into 8 cm pots to help the formation of good roots and is planted outdoors in late April-early May. In very hot areas, for a late harvest, it can be planted outdoors in June.
Distance: for family growing: between rows 60-90 cm, 45-60 cm on the rows.
Advice: cultivate Marigold plants interspersed with tomatoes to control nematodes; do not grow tomatoes in the same position for 4 years and do not precede or follow them from other solanaceae. Remove all lateral shoots when they are 3 cm long, remove all leaves under the lowest fruit stage. Indeterminate varieties necessarily require high support.

Seed required: about 3g per square meter of seedbed; 15-20 g per 100 sq m planted.

DETERMINED PLANT: supports are not essential